Wednesday, October 26, 2005

its alright

the sandwich, swamp rot and the italian song all saw 6 IMP-sters in the house - and the same held true tonight, matching the largest turnout seen yet. Each of these songs are great and the vibe was good tonight (in spite of the malodorous eminations from spaz). Steve scripted the song and laid down some guitar which was added to later by DeSantis. Scott put down some beats (drums haven't had good luck when not laid down first thing, but it worked nicely tonight). Then B laid down some harpsichord... followed by McD and DeSantis on the horns. Then Scott laid down the bass beats. Andy sang it up with finshing touches by Scott (vocals, egg and alien keyboard) and Spaz (vocals and clave).

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Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Charles and Scott started out laying down go-go beats, but the song took a decidedly jazzy turn. Brian came with lyrics about October and an attempt to write happy lyrics. Charles weaves an autumnal story in the verses. We were all surprised by joy with the appearance of David Spaz McAndrews.

We have some new voices in this one - Backwards vocals and the return of the Weather Radio (a Bourbon Sprawl Favorite).

Shorts and a jacket, shorts and a jacket, long-sleeve shirt, and a tiny whiskey packet.

If you have to ask, then...

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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

long days coming

Brian showed up early and laid down the sax and wrote all the lyrics. Max was a bit of inspiration. He heard me say fail and wanted to know what that word was. The inquiry was very ineteresting.
Chris did great on the trumpet and didn't even pick up a guitar.

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Wednesday, October 05, 2005


no one showed up. So, I wasted some time in the beginning just working on some of the studio levels. Then I finally decided, I better make something. Its kind of like brushing your teeth. You know you should do it.

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