Wednesday, November 30, 2005

gimme gimme gimme

Coincidental to the song title, Brian updated the song notes with the following before we published to the web site Brian was waiting for the new song, and then at 1:20am, he decided to create it himself. So there. Merry Christmas, Brian.

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Wednesday, November 23, 2005

do the job

yes, i made a song. im was cancelled, but i started jonesin'. needed the im. 3 takes of drums, equal number of takes of bass.

I think this song is about a guy at work. He is not happy sometimes.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2005

my dads man

Big crowd. We have a new/old friend that joined us this week - Cecy Snyder joined us for vocals. Cecy was the singer for Help Wanted, and now the first female voice on an IMP song. It is a great thing to have a great singer... Andy and Cecy harmonized in the Chorus, and it felt like the good old days. Charles brought some lyrics about a sports illustrated columnist that considers his real life juxtaposed against his short career as a professional athelete. Ken H put down the drum tracks, followed by Charles on acoustic. Next, Chris added some electric. Ken Dezio joined us for the first time in a long time, but had to leave early. So, we layed down 4 measures of Trumpet that ended up on the cutting room floor (sorry ken). Cecy and Andy then recorded the chorus... nice. Charles sang the verses, Brian added harp, then Scott put in a sweet banjo. We almost made the midnight reocrding cut-off. 12:08 the Banjo finished. So... that's it. Almost a complete Help Wanted reunion. Lee Parker, we missed you.

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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

blind rope

The evening started at 7pm. Scott, Steve, Chris, Andy, Charles, Brian, Dave(spaz), and Dave's Dad (Don) made 8. Well, Don just watched and told off-color limericks, but that's cool. Scott started on drums, and had a great take except for a curious re-start that we decided to just make part of the song. We went through 3 sets of lyrics before Steve finally decided that someone needed to write something that wasn't silly. Brian added a few phrases for the chorus. Steve then set the musical mood again by laying down a nice acoustic track. Next came scott on piano, Andy on vox, then Chris on electric. Charles started on Bass at around 11 pm... Brian added Sax after 11:30. Sometime after midnight, Spaz joined for Trumpet in the bridge. Scott, breaking his no-recording-past-midnight rule, added backing vox just before 1 am. Then, after 1 am, the mixing began... 3 am, the mixing ended. Spaz was asleep on the couch this time. Scott and Brian debated mixing his snoring into the break in the song. BTW, This song is about dissapearing love.

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Wednesday, November 02, 2005

old friends

Max has multiple Halloween costumes. 'Why?' I asked. 'Cause I do,' he said. 'Cause I do,' Sam said, six times in a row. Anyway, Brian was feeling reminiscent about something but only revealed that he had heard a slow Green Day song in the car that really kicks in at the end. This song doesn't do that. But it does have Brian's verses, although we're not sure if Steve should have been singing them. Andy did a nice job with Steve's guitar, though, so that switch worked, and another night of instant music came to an end. Then Spaz showed up and we had six.

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