Wednesday, December 13, 2006

unexpected joy

we've started.... drum track posted at 8:30
its 10:25 and we have guitar and bass parts and lyrics written.
off to record some vocals.
Well, we did it. In pretty good time too. Mike and Chris offered up some unique talents tonight. Take a listen.

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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

book binders

its an imp off

drums posted for everyone to use at 8:30pm
first version posted at 11pm

126 bpm on this one. its faster than normal, but doesn't feel that way.
hopefully steve or andy will post the lyrics :)

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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

can a man

can a man do all these things?
Welcome back Kevin !!
We weren't sure where we were going with this, but eventually we recorded something, cause, you got to.

Are you different?

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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

new direction

Welcome back Chris !! and Mike !!
Took a while to get some drums, and then.. even after that, they were still a little tired... and slow. Anyway, Chris brought his trumpet and Mike played the resident tenor sax...

Inspiration for this song has been brought to you by Nancy Pelosi

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Monday, September 25, 2006


gotta check out the video

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


We had a visitor in the studio this evening. Rich Lee stopped by to capture the moments on video. We started by tossing around song ideas. We discussed everything from E-Coli to Lee's new haircut, but we settled on a song about a little town nearby (nicknamed by our friend Pete Buehler). Andy brought a new cowbell and attached it to the drum kit. Lee laid down some nice guitar, Scott experimented with the bow on the stand-up bass. He even broke out the sax. Interesting to say the least.

Watch the video on YouTube

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Wednesday, September 06, 2006


The night started off a little late. Scott was trying out a new way of recording the drums and spent some time getting the levels right. Just about that time someone started talking about Baby Suri Cruise and it led into a discussion about weird Hollywood baby names, hence the song 'Babywood'. Scott laid down a funky bass groove and Steve added some cool distorted guitar and Lee worked out some awesome Eddie Van Halen-esk thumb piano leads. Andy penned lyrics with one last minute adjustment by Ken. Enjoy.

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Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Taking up the challenge of writing a song about Kilorglin. It has forlornin', drinkin', more forlornin' and well, more drinkin' and forlornlin'.

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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

high waters

This song is about all of the freakin' rain we've been getting in the D.C. area. We thought about chopping down the trees in Scott's backyard and building an ark, but the rain stopped. The rain samples in this song were actually recorded in Scott's backyard during the storm this week.

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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

wave the flag

Tonight, the I in IMP stood for interminable, as it took Steve 23 takes -- yes, 23 takes -- to get his guitar part down right. Not to be outdone, Scott put in a valiant effort on the bass, but fell short of besting Steve, finishing with a mere 19 takes to perfect the bass track. Andy came even closer, but Steve's endless studio session withstood the challenge, as Andy finished with 21 vocal takes to complete his part. In any event, it's a good thing we started early.

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Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Steve had a bum knee, but apparently he can still play guitar. This song is about a passive aggressive cube dweller.

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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

most prolific man

Nobody made a write up on this one... so I'll go ahead.

The studio just received an upgraded computer and upgraded software and had to re-assemble from loaning out some equipment. This made me (Scott) pretty busy in the beginning and gave the song a late start. But Lee and Ken worked out the basics and got a song together.
Ken and Andy hammered at the lyrics for quite some time I think... then we resorted to some group internet searching for sport's cliches... and we found em.
Enjoy the cliches.

check out the forum on this one.

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Wednesday, April 26, 2006


A slug made its way across ssounds studio, leaving a silver trail of slug slime as evidence of its passage. Naturally, we wrote a song about it.

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Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Bryan and Leigh

Finally...the FIRST IMP-OFF! IMP versus LMNOP. NOVA versus Richmond. Culture versus Agriculture. Monogamy versus polygamy with relatives. Abe Lincoln versus Jefferson Davis.

So, once we got started, we penned a touching love song about Bryan and Leigh. DeSantis came up with a chord progression and after a few takes caught upon a catchy chorus. Andy found the hit melodies. Scott added bass and Steve added electric. Dezio dabbled on the keys. Lee waited to make his contribution. And it all came together much later in the evening after Scott tinkered with it for a few hours. The result? Only time and the celebrity judges will tell.

(Note: the characters in this song are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons is purely coincidental. Really. Oh, and the views expressed in this song are solely those of the artists.)

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Thursday, March 16, 2006

Better Days Behind

Uncertainty hung in the air, as no one was certain until late in the day about whether jamming or imping was in order. Imping won out, and Lee's landing strip was closed. Scott put down the drums before Pops arrived, so you can hear Pops backing Andy on the verses. The song evokes the conflicting emotions found in the dichotomy between lamenting lost love and finding future promise; yeah, we're a pretty dour group.

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Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Steve conjured up some lyrics about death and dying and something about wing-tipped salesmen. Chris did some interesting work on the wah-wah pedal and a good time was had by all.

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Thursday, January 26, 2006

2 Days of 7

Lee McCann brought in lyrics about working for the weekend with a bit of a twist. High attendance for the night was perhaps inspired by the new year, and thus created an electric environment. Some pretty piano from Steve who has been practicing dilligently on his new keyboard. Charles added nice guitar. We killed the bottle of rum.

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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

majorette and the paladin

welcome to Lee McCann to the group. Andy suggested that we start the new year with a song about the new year, but that suggestion was unanimously rejected. Ken laid down the drum track and the long, rolling intro reminded him of the high schA big ool band, of which we assume he was a member. A couple batons, a 12th level paladin (that's paladin with one l, french from the italian palatino, as in a medieval prince), and some bass, guitars and vocals later, we had a song to be proud of. Then Scott worked on it for another few hours while we all slept.

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