Bryan and Leigh
Finally...the FIRST IMP-OFF! IMP versus LMNOP. NOVA versus Richmond. Culture versus Agriculture. Monogamy versus polygamy with relatives. Abe Lincoln versus Jefferson Davis.
So, once we got started, we penned a touching love song about Bryan and Leigh. DeSantis came up with a chord progression and after a few takes caught upon a catchy chorus. Andy found the hit melodies. Scott added bass and Steve added electric. Dezio dabbled on the keys. Lee waited to make his contribution. And it all came together much later in the evening after Scott tinkered with it for a few hours. The result? Only time and the celebrity judges will tell.
(Note: the characters in this song are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons is purely coincidental. Really. Oh, and the views expressed in this song are solely those of the artists.)
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